Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

Pembicara: Franz Magnis-Suseno dan Hilmar Farid, Moderator: Trisno S Sutanto (Terbuka untuk Umum & Gratis)

10 Maret 2010
19:00 - 21:00
Serambi Salihara
Jl. Salihara no.16 Pasar Minggu, Pejaten Barat (dekat UNAS)
Jakarta, Indonesia

Rabu, 10 Maret 2010, 19:00 WIB
Pembicara/ Speakers: Franz Magnis-Suseno dan Hilmar Farid
Moderator: Trisno S Sutanto
Serambi Salihara
Terbuka untuk Umum & Gratis

Bagaimanakah gerangan kehidupan pemikiran Kiri sekarang dan prospeknya di masa depan? Apakah “menjadi Kiri” di zaman ini adalah semacam anakronisme? Memang, Kiri tetap menawarkan kritik tajam selaku pemikiran anti-kemapanan. Namun persaingan antar-sistem politik dan ekonomi tampak menunjukkan kemenangan kubu lawan mereka. Demokrasi telah diterima oleh mayoritas negara di dunia yang sangat tergantung pada “selera” pasar. Dan tak sedikit pula para pendaku Kiri yang telah berlaku “borjuis” dalam gaya hidup serta harus beradaptasi dengan sistem-dunia kapitalis. Kita pun perlu bertanya lagi: benarkah pengaruh pemikiran Kiri kini hanya beredar di kalangan terbatas—akademia, gerakan elit, atau mereka yang berusaha menawarkan pemikiran alternatif di tengah dominasi kapitalisme? Ikuti diskusinya bersama mahaguru filsafat Franz Magnis-Suseno dan sejarawan Hilmar Farid.

Program ini disponsori oleh Hivos


What is the current state of Leftist thought and its prospects for the future? Is “being Leftist” in this era a kind of anachronism? The Left, as an anti-establishment way of thinking, continues to offer sharp criticism. However, in the competitive struggle between political and economic systems, their opponents seem to have won. Democracy has been accepted by the majority of nations around the world that have become so dependent upon the “whims” of the market. And quite a few self-proclaimed Leftists have become “bourgeois” in their life styles and have had to adapt to the global capitalist system. Once again, we need to question: is it true that the influence of Leftist thought is only felt amongst a limited community—academia, a movement of the elite, or those who attempt to offer alternative ideas in the midst of the domination of capitalism? Join in the discussion with philosophy professor Franz Magnis-Suseno and historian Hilmar Farid.

This program is sponsored by Hivos

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